Thank you for your interest in Nova Southeastern University and the Master of Health Science program. As you may know, NSU is the 7th largest private University in the United States, and is known for quality on-campus and online Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral programs. The demand for master level health providers, educators and administrators continues to grow. At the same time health care professionals can seldom afford to quit their job to go back to school full time in order to advance their careers. Our online Master of Health Science may be your answer as it is delivered online and allows you to remain employed and in your community.
The M.H.Sc. curriculum provides education in a variety of health related areas, including research methods, epidemiology, health care finance, and leadership. In addition you can specialize in health care risk management, higher education, sports medicine, health law, or health care administration. We enhance this multidisciplinary approach by accepting students from several disciplines and specializations; and you benefit by sharing experiences and talent with various healthcare professionals.
Distance does not mean "out of touch" in the M.H.Sc program. Our students can communicate 24/7 with their classmates and program administrators via our online student center.
As a student in the M.H.Sc program, you will have access to our electronic library, a wealth of online resources counting over 30,000 online journals and over 150 online databases. Our help desk is also available to assist you in case of technical difficulties.
Once again, thank you for your interest in the Master of Health Science program. We look forward to helping you achieve your academic goals.
Debra A. Dixon, R.D.H., M.S., D.H.Sc.
Program Director