21 total credits completed in the M.H.Sc program
course name | credit hours |
MHS 5003: Current Trends in Health Care This course serves to familiarize the student with current issues in health care that may impact the patient, the health care system, as well as the ability to deliver high quality health care. Discussion and analysis of current trends facing those who work in health care will be explored. |
3 |
MHS 5205: Writing for Medical Publication Study and review of quality medical writing techniques, issues, and procedures with emphasis on cultivating personal style and content. Focus will be on writing for peer and evidence based publications. |
3 |
MHS 5501: Epidemiology and Biostatistics The ability to understand the conceptual and practical aspects of biostatistics and epidemiology in health care is critical to understanding research and analyzing population data about disease. This survey course will improve the ability of the student to understand and apply these concepts. |
3 |
MHS 5530: Principles of Management in Healthcare This course will discuss the various principles of management and its associated issues as they relate to the modern healthcare professional. The course will explore topics such as concepts of organizational management, decision making, strategic planning, resource management and allocation, conflict, and the concept of power. |
3 |
Please Note: Any course from the MHS concentrations can also be used as electives. Any course that is not a required core course is considered an elective course to fulfill the requirement of 9 hours of electives.
course name | credit hours |
MHS 5211: Contemporary Issues in Nutrition The course covers a variety of general concepts and contemporary discussions in the area of nutrition as it applies to personal health. Many of the concepts learned in this course can be applied to the patient counseling and advisement health care providers are asked to perform. |
3 |
MHS 5541: Health Care Systems and Conflict This introductory course will assist learners to blend conflict-resolution theories, models, and skills into realistic strategies that can be utilized in a healthcare setting. The attitudes, knowledge and skills from this course can be applied to those who deliver, receive, and manage healthcare. The strategies will be applicable to working with diverse populations, including people with different cultural backgrounds, genders, personalities, positions of power, agendas. Types of negotiation strategies in order to move toward a collaborative situation will also be addressed. |
3 |
MHS 5543: Educational Theories and Psychology This course explores the history and evolution of educational theories and their role in the development of curriculum and instruction related to healthcare education. |
3 |
MHS 5544: Curriculum and Instruction in Healthcare Education Using the principles of curriculum development and related research, students will develop a plan for a unit of instruction for a healthcare course that includes a need assessment, use of resources, implementation specification, material development and assessment of instructional effectiveness. |
3 |
MHS 5545 Assessment and Evaluation in Healthcare Education This course provides an overview of student and program evaluation and assessment methods in healthcare education. This course will consider multiple assessment models, used in clinical settings, from traditional written assessments to alternative assessment methods such as OSCEs, portfolios and simulated patients. Students will develop an evaluation/assessment plan tailored to their professional situation. |
3 |
MHS 5400: Directed Studies in Medical Science This course will address medical terminology and anatomy as they pertain to the kinesiology of each joint. The course lays the foundation for understanding the relevant anatomical and physical biomechanics of sports. NATA Board of Certification Approved - 8/01 |
3 |
MHS 5546: Healthcare Finance This course introduces fundamental theory and concepts of health care finance with relevant application to a wide variety of health care settings. Emphasis will be placed on the understanding of key issues in order to provide the tools necessary for clinicians to function within a health care environment. Concentrating on a managerial rather than production accounting perspective, major topics includes principles of accounting, budgeting, analysis of financial statements, activity-based costing, responsibility accounting, and provider payment and reimbursement systems. The student will be required to prepare a formal paper on a health care finance topic. |
3 |
61 total credits completed in the D.H.Sc program.
course name | credit hours |
DHS 8010: Statistics and Research Methods Summer Institute Course - This course allows the student to develop an understanding through critical analysis of the basic research methods utilized in healthcare. Students will be taught how to critically analyze medical information and perform effective literature reviews. Student will select a healthcare topic and perform a review of the literature that is at least 10 pages and includes a minimum of 20 references from books and journals, utilizing the NSU electronic library. Discussion boards are a required part of this course. |
4 |
DHS 8040: Professionalism and Healthcare Ethics This course is an in depth study of the concepts of health care ethics. The course of study analyzes the differences between ethics and law and examines the core values and beliefs of medical professionalism. Methods of ethical analysis and a review of current case studies will be used in critical discussions of ethical dilemmas faced by health care personnel in areas such as cloning, organ transplantation, and the implications of the Human Genome Project. The student will explore the personal values, professional standards, and institutional guidelines which define the roles and responsibilities of the health care practitioner. The student will be required to choose an ethical or professionalism issue in health care and prepare a written paper on that subject. |
4 |
DHS 8080: Conflict Resolution in Healthcare This is a required summer institute course. This course examines and analyzes the nature and dynamics of human conflict within civil societies. Emphasis is placed upon conflicts within and among governments and public sector agencies and between the health provider, patients and medical institutions. Students will be expected to take an active role in the course and develop their own strategies for dealing with conflict. A paper will be required that details and analyzes a conflict situation in the student's work or other environment and how the conflict was resolved. |
4 |
DHS 8170: Leadership in Healthcare This is a required summer institute course. This course explores the various methods of leadership and management, both in and out of healthcare, and their impact on productivity, profitability and employee satisfaction. Critical analysis of the different types of leadership and management theories is given and the need for developing a leadership plan is explored. The student is expected to gain knowledge of the various types of leaders and systems and will be required to research and develop a paper on a specific leadership theory. |
4 |
DHS 8190: Healthcare Education This course explores the various theories and applications of adult education in the practice of training, preprofessional education, and postprofessional education of medical personnel. Critical analysis of the different methods of teaching and training healthcare professionals is accomplished through discussion, research, investigation, journal development, and assignments. The capstone of the course will be to develop a 10 page paper on a specific method of educating health care professionals. Chat sessions and discussion boards are a required portion of this course. |
4 |
3 out of 4 required, all 4 may be taken. If only 3 are chosen, one elective may substitute for the fourth required course. 12 credits total.
course name | credit hours |
DHS 8000: Professional Competencies in Clinical Care |
4 |
DHS 8030: Community Health Promotion and Disease Prevention This course develops the knowledge and skills needed to work with communities to improve health status of the community. Major topics will include health promotion and disease prevention. Special emphasis will be placed on the "Healthy People 2010" initiatives. Students will be required to complete a paper of at least 20 pages based on an intervention strategy from "Healthy People 2010." The paper will include an introduction, review of the literature, discussion, and conclusion in chapter form. Discussion boards are a required part of this course. |
4 |
DHS 8090: Health Policy, Planning and Management This course critically examines the dynamics of healthcare in the U.S. The student is expected to analyze the healthcare industry and contrast non-profit and for-profit healthcare delivery systems. A critical exploration of the ramifications of healthcare reform and the impact on institutions and individuals will be undertaken. The concepts of cost containment, and long-term care will be analyzed. The student will be expected to write a paper on healthcare reform and managed care that is at least 10 pages in length and provides an informed opinion on future directions of health care reform. The paper should address the question as to what new directions managed care may go in and what the future of health care reform is. |
4 |
DHS 8110: Community, Environmental and Occupational Health Issues such as air and water quality and waste management will be examined. OSHA will be examined and analyzed for its impact on health and health care. Trends in environmental and occupational health legislation will be examined for their impact potential. Students will participate by contacting one of their senators or House of Representatives member for an environmental statement, and then write a critical analysis. |
4 |
1 required. The other may be omitted or used as an elective. 4 credits total.
course name | credit hours |
DHS 8400: Global Health Issues Global healthcare is an emerging priority for health professional education programs and clinical practice. It is essential for all healthcare professionals to understand the impact of global health issues on health care and international economic stability. This course explores the many facets of global health to expose the student to the complexity of the concepts that impact healthcare in developing and developed countries. On a weekly basis, the student will evaluate information that is available through a variety of internet sites and develop a short 3-5 page paper that demonstrates an understanding of the topic. Each student will complete a course paper (20-25 pages) on an international health topic of their choice that includes an analysis of related policy, relevant statistical data, summary of programs and a thorough discussion of issues. |
4 |
HSP 9006: Evidence-Based Medical Practice This course provides a working knowledge of evidence-based medicine. Cases will be used as the backbone of this course to assist the student in analyzing data to justify the treatments used in clinical practice. Students will also learn to critically appraise the literature, evaluate diagnostic test performance, design clinical pathways and standard of care, and implement evidenced based medicine findings in their own clinical or administrative setting. |
4 |
DHS 8750: Patient Safety Leadership plays a key role in adopting practices to promote patient safety, and leaders should have the skills necessary to be effective in the implementation of these practices. This course will focus on patient safety through a study of safety- oriented leadership, organizational culture, human factors, decision-making science, communication, and a systems approach to health care delivery. Current best practice models and the latest professional literature emphasizing patient safety will be featured. |
4 |
course name | credit hours |
DHS 8125: Preparation for Internship and Practicum | 1 |
DHS 8130: Internship This course is the capstone of the program. The student will perform an internship at a community health care institution, clinic, educational facility, etc., that is approved by the DHSc faculty. The student should spend a minimum of 80 clock hours in the health promotion department. Health promotion activities should be critically analyzed. The student will complete a 20 page paper that describes the institution, defines the population served, analyzes the reimbursement options accepted, and details the health promotion activities observed. A critical evaluation should be made that details strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the institution. Recommendations for improvement should be made, if needed. |
5 |
DHS 8140: Practicum The practicum is a written project that is developmental in nature. The DHSc faculty advisors must approve the practicum subject. The practicum must be preceded by a proposal that contains the project idea and a preliminary literature review. The student will be required to choose a health promotion topic, perform a literature review, and create a product that is a health promotion program that can be used for a community education program. An implementation and evaluation plan must be included in the final product. |
5 |
3 electives (can include courses from block one and two not counted towards core requirements) 12 credits total.
DHS 8120: Doctoral Objective Analysis
Final paper for doctoral program. In this faculty-supervised project, and the capstone of the program, the student will develop a paper using the objectives from the core courses and 1 elective as guidelines and references to form the basis of the paper. This will require research in to teaching and learning methods as well as online and in class comparisons. The outcome or final product will be an in-depth analysis of the information presented and the knowledge gained during the doctoral program. This paper will also include methods for improving the program of study in the DHSc and detailed methods to be used to deliver the proposed changes.