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New Student Orientation & Pre-Arrival Information

Welcome to Nova Southeastern University and congratulations on your acceptance into the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS). In order to prepare for the year ahead, we will be sending you updates every 3-4 weeks between now and orientation. To ensure that your transition into the college is smooth, it is important that you work with your admissions counselor prior to orientation. Please see below for some easy steps to help you get started!

Please set up your NSU Identity prior to attending Orientation. Students may obtain their SharkLink IDs and email account credentials by visiting us here.

Please be sure to check with your program regarding on campus requirements and official start dates. Explore housing options by using the links below:

  • Davie/Fort Lauderdale and Regional Campuses Graduate Students:

A few weeks before Orientation, you will receive an e-mail from Castle Branch Customer Service with a personal link to set up your account. This will also be used for STEP FOUR.

Accepted applicants and students are required to authorize the Health Professions Division to obtain background checks. Please note that incoming students must complete the online background check documentation prior to Orientation.

A few weeks prior to your program orientation, information regarding the background check procedure and immunization requirements will be sent via NSU student email, so please set up your student email account as soon as possible (see Step Two above). You will receive an instructional email closer to Orientation, followed by the invitation from Castle Branch customer service. 

In the interim, please download the Physical Exam Form and the Immunization Form below in order to begin the process.

Contact the Student Affairs Team with questions: If you have any difficulty setting up your account or logging in, please contact Castle Branch at (888) 723-4263.

All incoming students must have a thorough physical examination prior to the first day of classes*. Please review the Immunization Guidelines.

To complete this process:

  • Have your physician fill out the immunization, physical and tuberculosis forms found here: Health Professions Division Immunization Form.
  • Submit both of these forms by uploading them to Castle Branch located at Remember you must have an account set up with your background check (see Step Three above) to be able to upload your documents.

The immunizations listed above on the Immunization Form are required of all students in the Health Professions Division based on the current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations for Health Care Personnel. Every student is required to have completed these immunizations listed above before matriculating into Nova Southeastern University*. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the student’s inability to satisfy the requirements for graduation from their academic program.

Please note: DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. YOU MUST KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. If you are unable to access a scanner, please take a High-Definition photo of your documents with your phone, or use the Castle Branch Iphone App.

The Health Professions Division is concerned for the health and welfare of its students. As a result, all full-time Health Professions Division students at Nova Southeastern University are required to carry adequate health insurance coverage. 

If you carry your own insurance you will need to fill out the waiver form following registration, located in the link below. If you fail to complete the online waiver you will be automatically billed and enrolled in the plan endorsed by NSU. For detailed information on the plan, benefits, and cost please visit the Student Health Insurance Waiver Application. Please complete the waiver prior to orientation.

All students at Nova Southeastern University will be required to complete the new Student Enrollment Agreement (SEA). The SEA requires students to agree to NSU standards and policies regarding course registration and withdrawal, financial responsibility, a release of liability, and more.

To complete this requirement, log in to SharkLink and select My Academics on the left panel. Next, on the right side, under the I Would Like To section, select Registration - Add/Drop/SEA to read and complete the SEA form online. For questions about the Student Enrollment Agreement, visit or call the Office of the University Registrar at (954) 262-7200.

Join us for one of our pre-orientation sessions to get ahead of the game. Session times may range anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the topic. Each session is intended to help guide students through the different processes in preparation to start the program and will cover the same content, so students do not need to attend more than one session.

Sessions cover the following topics:
  • General Overview (SharkLink, registration, etc.)
  • Background Investigation & Immunizations
  • Castle Branch Userguide
  • Financial Aid

Zoom Pre-Orientation Sessions

Lab Coats (Non SLP Students)

It is required that all HPD students enrolled in on-campus programs purchase at least one lab coat, however some programs my require at least two based on the degree of use. Please check with your individual program for more details.

You will be given a chance to meet with bookstore personnel to try on sample lab coats during the orientation process. The lab coats cost $39.98 and payment will be due when you place your order. Any questions regarding the ordering process can be directed to the NSU Bookstore, (954) 262-4750. Visit the NSU Bookstore Lab Coat Order Website.

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to select the appropriate patch for the campus and program that you are enrolled in!

Student Services and Resources

We invite you to take advantage of all the student engagement and support services NSU has to offer. Additionally, for information about student success resources in the College, go to the Inter-Professional Student Support Center.

Parking Permit Application

All students, faculty and staff at Nova Southeastern University's campus in Davie are required to obtain a parking permit. Please go to the NSU Public Safety Website and print, fill out, and return the Parking Permit Application. You will need a copy of your vehicle registration and your Shark Card when you come to the One Stop Shop in the HPD Terry Building to get your parking permit. This should be done within the first week of the semester.

NSU Sharkcard

The NSU Shark Card is the official Nova Southeastern University identification card. All students, faculty, and staff are required to carry the NSU Card for identification purposes. In addition, the card can be used as a library card, for vending machine and copy machine purchases, for meal plans, and for building and parking access on campus. Visit the link below to apply for your Shark Card. Log into the application with your Sharklink username and password. Once you have completed your online application, your Shark Card will be mailed to the address listed on your application in 3-5 business days.

Travel Accommodations

The University offers discounts at several local hotels, Click to view the NSU Travel Office.


As an NSU College of Health Care Sciences emerging professional, I understand that Professionalism engenders the following principles:


I am committed to becoming a respected, knowledgeable, and skillful professional. Therefore, I will approach all academic and professional endeavors with my best effort in pursuit of a higher purpose.


I understand that I have been given the opportunity for education in order to serve others.  I will strive to make a positive contribution in my local community and my chosen profession.


I believe that trust is important and will strive to uphold the highest degree of honesty, accountability, and character.  I understand that these qualities stand above all others.


I believe that diverse perspectives, experiences, knowledge, and skills are valuable.  I will respect the contributions and approaches of my faculty, peers, and patients and seek to learn from them.


I believe in standing above the rest by finding unique ways to address unmet needs.  I will seek innovative knowledge, skills, ideas, and approaches that will improve my academic endeavors, professional capacity, and college experience.


As I demonstrate these qualities, I will serve as a role model in my academic program, profession, and community.


As an NSU Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences student and emerging health care professional, I understand that daily adherence to these attributes will earn me the respect of my patients as well as my peers and will help assure the continued high regard of my new profession. Today, I embark on a path that will change my life and the lives of others. 

For Admissions or Financial Aid Questions:

Contact HPD Admissions & Financial Aid at 1-800-356-0026, Ext. 21101

For Castle Branch, Immunizations and Background Check Questions:

Contact Student Affairs at

Save the Date


    • Medical Sonography - Monday, May 5
    • Anesthesiologist Assistant - Wednesday, May 14
    • Audiology - TBA
    • Occupational Therapy - Wednesday, May 14
    • Physical Therapy - Wednesday, May 14
    • Physician Assistant  - Wednesday, May 14
    • Speech-Language Pathology - Please view website
  • REGIONAL CAMPUSES students: please see your specific program's orientation page (linked at left) for the date, time, and location of your orientation. 
    • Anesthesiologist Assistant Denver - Friday, January 3
    • Anesthesiologist Assistant Jacksonville - Thursday, May 22
    • Anesthesiologist Assistant Orlando - Wednesday, May 21
    • Anesthesiologist Assistant Tampa/Clearwater- Tuesday, May 20
    • Cardiovascular Sonography Tampa/Clearwater - Monday, May 5
    • Occupational Therapy Tampa/Clearwater -
      • Virtual Sessions beginning April 30 - May 13
      • In-Person Orientation on Wednesday, May 14
    • Physical Therapy Tampa/Clearwater - Wednesday - Friday, August 20 - 22
    • Physician Assistant Fort Myers - Monday & Tuesday, May 12 - 13
    • Physician Assistant Jacksonville - TBA
    • Physician Assistant Orlando - Monday & Tuesday, May 12 - 13
    • Respiratory Therapy Palm Beach - TBA


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