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Master of Health Science

Forensic Investigative Technology Concentration

This track will provide specialization training in the burgeoning field of forensic investigation. Students will be exposed to investigative and analysis techniques used during criminal investigations. Beginning in the Spring of 2008, M.H.Sc. distance students will have the option of completing electives or a concentration in Forensic Investigative Technology. Completing this specialty track requires 40 credits as detailed below.

All courses are delivered and organized as distance learning.

Core courses total 15 credits.

course namecredit hours
MHS 5003: Current Trends and Cultural Issues in Health Care
This course serves to familiarize the student with current and cultural issues in health care that may impact the patient, the health care system, as well as the ability to deliver high quality health care. Discussion and analysis of current trends and cultural topics facing those who work in health care will be explored.
MHS 5203: Writing for Allied Health Professionals

This course entails the study and practice of writing style used in allied health: scientific writing.  Scientific writing is a different format than other kinds of writing used as an undergraduate.  It is more precise and succinct, which is different from the way we speak to each other.  Scientific writing is written for an audience with the purpose of informing or possibly persuading the audience.  American Psychological Association (APA) style and standard English formatting will be reviewed.  The papers written in this course will give the student a foundation for all MHS courses.

MHS 5501: Epidemiology and Biostatistics
The ability to understand the conceptual and practical aspects of biostatistics and epidemiology in health care is critical to understanding research and analyzing population data about disease. This survey course will improve the ability of the student to understand and apply these concepts.
MHS 5510: Research Methods
This course is designed to enable participants to develop skills in reading and critically evaluating published research using the scientific model. The advantages and disadvantages of quantitative and qualitative research methods will be compared and contrasted. Research articles will be collaboratively analyzed to develop an appreciation of potential methodological problems and their implications for evidence based professional practice.
MHS 5521: Ethical Issues in Healthcare
The student will examine the ethical issues that confront health care providers and patients. The medical, scientific, moral and socioeconomic bases of these issues and the decision making process that providers and patients engage in are analyzed. Topics will include informed consent, the role of institutional review boards, euthanasia, and the allocation of scarce resources.

Required practical courses total 10 credits.

course namecredit hours
MHS 5309: U.S. Health Policy
This course will explore how US health policy is made and the interests and roles of various stakeholders and state, local and federal governments.  Students will analyze health policies and discern what impact proposed and executed health policies will have on health care entities, groups, individuals and healthcare practice. Students will gain the skills necessary to conduct a policy analysis that examines a health care or public health issue or concern.
MHS 5207: Practicum
The practicum is a cumulating experience for M.H.Sc. Students. Under supervision of an M.H.Sc. faculty advisor, students will develop community- based, health promotion and disease prevention interventions with underserved and/ or non-traditional populations.

Forensic investigative technology courses total 15 credits. Courses are cross listed with Criminal Justice Institute CJI 6111, CJI 6112, CJI 6113, CJI 6114 and CJI 6115

course namecredit hours
MHS 5611: Firearms, Fingerprints, and Other Impression Evidence
This course will provide students with a broad overview of the impression evidence discipline in forensic science. Topics discussed will include firearms and tool mark examination and microscopy, footwear and tire track examination, and latent fingerprints. Current courtroom challenges such as Daubert issues related to impression evidence will also be discussed. Students will be evaluated on the concepts learned based on practical exercises, tests, final exam and research paper.
MHS 5612: Forensic Analysis of Trace and Drug Evidence
This course will be divided into two sections: Trace and drugs. In the first segment we will cover the different drugs of abuse, the controlled substances act, dependency, and the forensic analysis of these samples. The Trace Evidence segment will include basic microscopy, fibers, paint, glass, fractures, hairs, explosives and arson. Concepts will be solidified via case studies.
MHS 5613: Crime Scene
This course will provide students with an in depth understanding of the various steps to processing a crime scene such as: scene documentation, evidence collection and preservation, and interpretation. In addition, scene safety and current courtroom challenges will be discussed.
MHS 5614: Technology that Revolutionized Criminal Investigations
This course will provide students with a survey of the field of forensic genetics in an understandable manner. Topics will include presumptive testing, a history of serological analyses, the beginning of the era of DNA technology including RFLP and AMPFLP analysis. Newer methods of typing such as Short Tandem Repeat, Y-chromosome STR, SNP analysis, mitochondrial sequencing and finally mini-STRs will be explored. Case studies and examples of these methods will be examined and investigated empirically. This course would be an invaluable tool for the criminal investigator and attorneys or those students planning to work in such fields.
MHS 5615: Overview of Crime Laboratory Management
A review of process management, work flow and future growth will be discussed. This course will provide students with a survey of manpower, quality assurance, safety, and budgeting issues. What job requirements are needed to perform the various jobs from Crime Scene Detective to DNA analyst. Accreditation, certification and outside review of laboratory performance will be explored. The C.S.I. effect and its impact on the modern forensic laboratory will be examined. The competing interests of case analysis, prosecution and investigation will be detailed.

Concentration for Recognition

In order to gain recognition in the "Forensic Investigative Technology" concentration of the MHSc program, the student must complete all five courses for 15 total hours. Those completing the concentration will be recognized as such with appropriate credentials. If you have any questions of how this may apply to your MHSc completion, contact the program or your academic advisor for assistance.

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