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Welcome to the NSU Professional DPT (PDPT) Program!

Welcome NSU DPT Class of 2028!

Orientation will be held May 14-16, 2025 (all orientation activities are mandatory) and classes begin May 19, 2025. Please watch for e mails providing important information about orientation and preparing for your start in the PDPT program.

Visit the College of Health Care Sciences orientation webpage for important prearrival information. 

We are excited for your arrival and look forward to being a part of your education! 

Get Ready, Set, Go! Transition to DPT School!

You are assigned an NSU e mail address upon acceptance to the program. This is your digital identity and you will need it to access just about everything while a student at NSU. 

Retrieve your username and set your password at


If you don't know your "N number" (NSU student ID), use the last 4 digits of your social security number


Go to (you will need your username and password information) 

registration-2.pngClick on Self Service Banner (webstar) icon and go to Enter Secure Area

Click on Student then Registration 


Course registration numbers (CRN) will be sent by e-mail in April from our Academic Support Coordinator.  

If you have difficulty registering, please contact help desk at 954-262-help (4357) or Program Office at (954) 262-1664. 

Important Registration Information
Student Enrollment Agreement (SEA) must be completed to proceed with registration
Payment is due to the Bursar’s Office as soon as you have registered for classes
  • Late fee of $100 is assessed on accounts 30 days past due (30 days from beginning of the term)
  • A hold is also placed on a delinquent account that prevents future registrations, viewing grades, ordering a transcript or diploma.
  • Log onto NSU’s e-Bill, available at to view your account and make payments online
Health Insurance Waiver is available for completion 24 hours after you register
  • You must carry health insurance to be enrolled in the DPT program (can be your own or through NSU plan)
  • If you have your own health insurance, you must waive the NSU health insurance or you will be automatically charged (no refunds if you do not waive)
  • Visit to view information about health insurance and to access the health insurance waiver form

Click here for financial aid information, including types of aid available to students, how to apply, and financial aid deadlines.

Students may qualify for the NSU Health Care Sciences Dean's Scholarship. Click here for eligibility and application information.

Technology Requirements

Laptop Computer

You are required to have a laptop computer with a built-in webcam and updated operating systems. 

Your computer and/or tablet must have capability for the following functions:

  • Wireless internet capability
  • Word processing software (ie. Microsoft Word)
  • Presentation software (ie. Microsoft Power Point)
  • Video editing software (ie. Movie maker, I Movie)


  • External charging devices/power supply
  • Computer privacy filter which blacks out the view from side angles (outside 60 degrees) – similar to 14" Akamai Computer Privacy Screen (16:9) - Black Security Shield - Laptop Monitor Protector - UV and Blue Light Filter found on Amazon

Exam Soft Testing

NSU DPT program uses ExamSoft for testing. Students may take the exams on a PC laptop, Mac laptop, or I Pad. Students will be asked to download the Examplify app during orientation. View minimum requirements at 

Other Technology Information 

Students have access to NSU sponsored downloads of certain software, once registered and fully enrolled.

Note: Smart watches can be used in labs and in some clinics, but are not allowed during testing.

For more technology information, Visit the Student Support page of the NSU Office of Innovation and Information Technology at or call (954) 262-HELP (4357)

Equipment Requirements

DPT Student Kit 

Students are required to purchase a kit containing equipment and consumables necessary for DPT school by no later than the end of the first semester. The kit costs approximately $300 and does not include a stethoscope or sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) which is purchased separately. More information will be provided at orientation.

Computer Privacy Filter 

Students are required to use a computer privacy filter which blacks out the view from side angles (outside 60 degrees) during all computer-based exams while matriculating through the program. 

Personal Protective Equipment (Anatomy Lab) 

Students are required to have nitrile gloves, face covering (masks, shield, or respirator), disposable isolation gown, and safety googles to enter the gross anatomy wet lab. Shoe covers are optional.    


Professional dress/business attire required for the first day of orientation (scrubs to be worn after the first day)

Program Dress Code

Students are expected to strictly adhere to program dress code standards:

  • student ID/name tag while on campus or at NSU sponsored activities
  • well-groomed with long hair tied back and out of face
  • fingernails should be 1/8 inch or less in length
  • minimal non-dangling jewelry may be worn
  • non-skid closed toe, supportive shoes, such as sneakers, worn with socks

 Students are required to be dressed in one of the 3 uniforms outlined below, based on the nature of the activity being performed.

Scrub Uniform: For most classes, students wear pewter grey scrub set with first and last name embroidered in 0.5-inch-high white block letters on the left upper corner of scrub top. Scrub top must be worn on the outermost layer so that embroidered name is visible. You may order the scrubs through the NSU Bookstore Scrub Shop (must create an account to order) or through a vendor of your choice. Contact bookstore with questions (954) 262-4750.

Lab Uniform: For most labs, students must wear designated lab uniform, which include the grey PT lab shirt with NSU logo and program approved navy-colored shorts. Women should wear a modest sports bra. Students should always have lab uniform available for class. Lab clothes may only be worn on the 2nd floor of the HPD library building. On all other areas of campus, students should be dressed in scrubs or clinic uniform. The lab uniform may be ordered online NSU Book Store - Shirtand NSU Bookstore - ShortsContact bookstore with questions (954) 262-4750.

Clinic Uniform: For clinical experiences and community-based activities, the uniform is professional dress including navy blue NSU PT polo shirt and khaki slacks (no capris). NSU PT polo shirts will be available for order in summer year 1.

White Coat: Students will participate in a White Coat Ceremony during the Summer semester of Year 2, prior to their first clinical experience. These will be made available for purchase at a later date.

Background Checks

Non-Fingerprint Background Check

Upon admission to the program, students are required to complete a non-fingerprint (level I) background check through the Castle Branch system. Students are sent information from the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS) Student Affairs department on procedure for completing the background check.

Fingerprint Background Check

Students will complete a fingerprint (Level II) background check during the program. Background check results must be negative. Clinical sites may require additional background check screening through facility-specific procedure at additional cost to the student. See “note” in Non-Fingerprint Background Check section.

NOTE: Some clinical sites may require additional background checks based on the length of time since the last check and facility specific guidelines. Some citations on the background checks may prevent a student from being assigned to or result the student being denied placement at clinical sites.  A student who cannot be placed at required clinical sites due to information of concern on his/her background check(s) may not be able to complete the program. Students are responsible for ongoing disclosure of background check information. Therefore, students are required to inform the program director immediately if any circumstance which has happened in the past or occurs during the student’s tenure in the program, that may impact the background check. Failure to do so may result in student referral to Committee on Student Progress (CSP).

Drug Screening 

Students will complete an annual 10-panel urine drug screen test. A positive drug screen may result in student dismissal from the program.


The NSU Health Professions Division Immunization Form should be used to document the proof of immunizations and titers for the following:

  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine (MMR) or positive titers
    Documented proof of date of vaccination or titer lab reports via blood draw stating that Measles IgG, Mumps IgG and Rubella IgG antibodies are present supporting immunity. If titer indicates student is negative (not immune), then documentation of booster vaccination is required, and a repeat titer is not needed.
  • Varicella vaccine or positive titers
    Documented proof of date of vaccination or titer via blood draw stating that antibodies are present supporting immunity. Having had Chicken Pox does not satisfy requirement. If titer indicated student is negative (not immune), then documentation of a booster vaccine is required, and a repeat titer is not needed.
  • Hepatitis B vaccine series and positive titers
    Documented proof of date of vaccinations and immunity by titer lab report is required. If initial titer result is negative (not immune), student is required to repeat the Hep B (HBV) vaccination series. This series can consist of two (2) or three (3) doses depending on the type received. A repeat titer is required following completion of new series. Dates with supporting documentation of the repeat vaccination (2 or 3 doses) and titer are required. If the repeat titer result remains negative (not immune) student must provide a letter from their physician stating lack of immunity.
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap)
    Documented proof of date of vaccination within the past 10 years is required. If vaccination is older than 10 years, an updated vaccination is required. If vaccination expires while in the program, students need to provide proof of updated vaccination.
  • Tuberculosis Screening (PPD or QuantiFERON Testing) *Complete no earlier than April 1, 2025*
    Documented proof of negative results for a 2-step PPD Skin Test or QuantiFERON Blood Test. A student who receives a positive test should contact their healthcare provider for further radiographic testing to assess for evidence of disease. NOTE: Annual renewal of Tuberculosis Screening is required during Year 2 and Year 3, by a 1-Step PPD Skin Test or QuantiFERON needs to be completed.
  • Seasonal Influenza vaccination

    Many clinical sites may require students to have the influenza vaccination. Exemption processes vary between clinical sites and some clinical sites do not accept exemptions. The program is not required to provide alternative sites for clinical practicums or experiences should students be placed at a site that requires influenza or other immunizations. Failure to comply with the site’s onboarding and immunization requirements may result in the delay of program completion and/or the inability to satisfy the graduation requirements in my program.

    Intranasal administration (ie. Flu Mist, LAIV) is not accepted. Flu season is Oct-May. The vaccination is typically available beginning in mid-August and not required upon entry to the program. 
  • Covid-19 Vaccination                                                                                                                                              Some clinical sites may require students to have the COVID-19 vaccination. Exemption processes vary between clinical sites and some clinical sites do not accept exemptions. The program is not required to provide alternative sites for clinical practicums or experiences should students be placed at a site that requires COVID-19 or other immunizations. Failure to comply with the site’s onboarding and immunization requirements may result in the delay of program completion and/or the inability to satisfy the graduation requirements in my program. 

CPR Certification

Students will maintain current Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification for health care providers while in the program. The DPT program provides CPR training in the first and third year of the program.

Proof of Health Insurance

Students must show a current health insurance card or a statement of coverage (ie. downloaded from internet). Students must always maintain current health insurance. If health insurance lapses at any time during the program, students will not be able to progress and may be dismissed from program.

Certificate of Physical Exam *Complete no earlier than April 1, 2025*

Students must have an annual physical examination which indicates that the student is in good general health and meets the health requirements of NSU. In addition, students must be able to perform the Technical Standards / Essential Functions of a DPT student. If health status should change while in the program which may affect the student’s ability to perform the Technical Standards / Essential Functions of a DPT student (ie. serious illness, injury, etc.), students must notify the Program Director and provide documentation of medical restrictions. Medical restrictions may prevent the student from participating in clinical activities and a plan for academic progression will be addressed individually in each case.   

Individual Facility Requirements

Some clinical facilities require additional compliance requirements above and beyond what is listed here. Students must comply with these requirements in order to attend the clinical rotation. Students will be notified of these requirements by the clinical facility itself or NSU clinical education personnel.




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