The Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Teaching and Learning Academy offers The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning Course. It is a program of four modules over 10 weeks that are taught in an online format. The culmination of the course involves participants presenting their work before instructors and audience of their peers. The following is a general outline of the Art and Science of Teaching and Learning Course Modules.
This 1-week module is the beginning module of the Teaching and Learning Academy and it introduces learners to the fundamental responsibilities required by a faculty member who is engaged in active teaching and learning in the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences. It is organized into a series of topics that will be covered in one week. There may be readings, videos, audio, documents, text readings, and discussions for the module. Materials will be posted on Canvas.
This 3-week module of instruction provides an opportunity for professors from disciplines in the health development profession to learn and share ideas toward extending and improving the curriculum and instructional strategies leading toward successful colleges teaching. This module is designed to allow a student to explore successful teaching and learning in an online format with online chats and visual presentations on power point, video, etc. The course readings, discussions, and activities will provide practical and innovative ways to enhance teaching effectiveness and assist with responding to the needs of today's academic student and career outcomes.
In this 3-week module, the many purposes for assessing learners are discussed, as well as the effective uses of tools for assessing learning. The module also explores the development of assessments that may reduce problems of cheating or plagiarism that are often associated with students working at a distance.
This final 3-week module presents information that supports the appropriate use of instructional technology to promote learning theories, research, and applications. Best-practices for distance education are also presented. Software for on-campus and on-line instruction is presented and used.
The target audience for Teaching and Learning Academy programming is all interested faculty members in the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences. Specifically, the teaching modules target:
The Teaching and Learning Academy considers support of such individuals as being central to the accomplishment of the college's instructional mission.