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Research Academy


Welcome to the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences' Research Academy at Nova Southeastern University. The Academy is designed to help faculty further develop and improve their skills in conducting research and writing grants. In addition, the Academy will support faculty who are teaching evidence-based practice, or are new to academia, by exposing them to activities and resources that are currently available. Through innovative online teaching and learning processes as well as workshops and web-based resources, the Research Academy will offer several different resources to enhance skills related to achieving these goals.


The Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences' administration and faculty appreciate and support the Nova Southeastern University's core value of "Scholarship/Research." The well-known triad of academic responsibility; teaching, service and scholarship, highlight the significance of research as a responsibility of faculty members. In an effort to ensure available and essential faculty support for growth in the area of scholarship, the College administration has provided the resources to develop a Research Academy.

Walker et al (2008) describe an intellectual community as a work culture that sends powerful messages about a commitment to learning and intellectual risk taking. This is done through intentional efforts that support individuals in their quest for professional growth. Learning is not limited to student progress, but also faculty development in the most essential aspects of academic life. The intersection of teaching and scholarship in a university setting offers a myriad of opportunities for an integrative approach to professional development, and ultimately dissemination.

The vision for the faculty members within the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences is that we are actively engaged in scholarship, with an appreciation and fervor for improving educational and clinical outcomes through systematic processes. Although scholarship is viewed as a broad range of activities, involvement in research is a key expectation for full-time faculty members.

The Research Academy courses, Evidence-Based Practice and Step Into Research, both offer the Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences faculty members with opportunities that will allow them to better engage in an intellectual community of scholarship by providing information on tools for teaching evidence-based content, exposing faculty members to various methodologies and preparing faculty members for grant submissions, among many other things.

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