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Physical Therapy (PhD)

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Ph.D. in Physical Therapy

Admissions Contact:
Rebecca L. Johnson
(954) 262 1111

Request Information

Apply Now

Upcoming online open house: April 14, 7 pm EST. Register here

Applications for a Fall 2025 start are due June 30, 2025.

Admissions Requirements

Selection of students for the Physical Therapy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program is based on prior academic performance, clinical experiences, and references. We seek students who are critical thinkers and have qualities such as assertiveness, initiative, leadership, self-understanding, openness, and strong communication skills. Students must also be motivated and self-directed. 

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a graduate of schools accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Physical therapy Education (CAPTE). Graduates of physical therapy schools in other countries are also eligible with review of academic credentials by an appropriate agency (details below) and review of English proficiency scores as applicable.
    • A qualified applicant with a master's degree or an entry-level DPT degree is required to complete a course of study with a minimum of 60 credit hours.
    • A qualified applicant with a post professional doctoral (including transitional DPT) degree from a regionally accredited school may transfer up to 6 credit hours.
  2. Demonstrate English language proficiency, if appropriate, with test scores from TOEFL, Cambridge, IELTS, etc. See NSU's language proficiency requirements for more guidance. 
  3. Have a minimum of 3 years of clinical experience as a physical therapist by the time of program start.

The Dean is empowered to evaluate the total qualifications of every student and to modify requirements in unusual circumstances.

Foreign Coursework

Graduate and undergraduate coursework taken at a foreign institution must be evaluated for U.S. institution equivalence by one of the three agencies listed below. You should contact:

  • Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy (FCCPT)
    124 West Street South, 3rd Floor
    Alexandria, VA 22314, USA
    Phone: (703) 684-8406*

    *This agency specializes in evaluation for U.S. PT licensure. 

  • International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. (ICD)
    3600 Market Street, Suite 450
    Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
    Phone: (215) 243-5858
    Fax: (215) 349-0026


  • International Education Research Foundation, Inc. (IERF)
    PO Box 3665
    Culver City, CA 90231-3655, USA
    Phone: (310) 258-9451
    Fax: (310) 342-7086


For more information, please contact admissions counselor Ms. Rebecca Johnson at or (954) 262-1111.

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