Explore the science of performance: bio-mechanics, training principles, coaching techniques, nutritional and psychological factors.
Specialize in a High-Demand Area
Focus on one of Seven Health Science concentrations: Health Care Risk Management, Higher Education, Telehealth, Sports Medicine, Health Care Administration and Leadership, Health Informatics, and Health Law. Or build a broad-based, global foundation through our generalist option.
Prefer to speak to someone directly?
Contact Danielle White, Admissions Counselor at Email: dw1396@nova.edu or call her at 954-262-1121.
The Best Online Master's Degree

Quick Facts
NSU Master of Health Science Program Concentrations
3 Popular Paths For Health Science Master’s Graduates
Source: Study.com and Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics

Why Choose NSU?
- Fully accredited programs
- Empirically-based
- Online delivery: won’t interrupt your career
Prefer to speak to someone directly?
Contact Danielle White your Admissions Counselor.
Email: dw1396@nova.edu or call her at (954) 262-1121.
Download Resources
Master of Health Science (M.H.Sc.): Program Details
Application Deadline
The Master of Health Science program admits students on a rolling basis. Students are considered for admission when all of their admission documents have been submitted to the Enrollment Processing Center. Anyone with a pending application packet that is not complete by the deadline will be automatically rolled over into the admission cycle for the next term.
The Office of Admissions processes applications on a rolling admission basis throughout the year. Applicants can apply for admission for any one of four starting dates during any academic year: January, April, July, and September. Each term runs for 12 weeks. Admission deadlines for submitted application and required documents are as follows:
Application Deadlines by Term
- Spring: December 2 - March 1
- Summer: March 2 - June 1
- Fall: June 2 - August 15
- Winter: August 16 - December 1
Before the applicant can be reviewed for possible admission, the following must be submitted:
- Completed MHSc application form
- $50 non-refundable application fee
Send transcripts and all required documents to:
Nova Southeastern University
Enrollment Processing Services
3301 College Avenue
P.O. Box 299000
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33329-9905
- Official and final transcripts from all previously attended undergraduate, professional, and graduate institutions of higher learning. Conferral degree and conferral date must be on the transcript(s) from where you earned a degree.
- All coursework from international institution(s), Applicant is responsible for contacting one of the evaluation services listed here. The evaluation must be course by course including a cumulative GPA
- The official evaluation must be sent directly from the evaluation service to the NSU EPS address shown above for all documents:
Josef Silny & Associates, Inc.
International Education Consultants
7101 SW 102nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33173
Phone: (305) 273-1616
Fax: (305) 273-1338
E-Mail: info@jsilny.org
Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc.
P.O. Box 415070
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 289-3400
World Education Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 745
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113-0745
(212) 966-6311
- Copy of national allied health professional certification or licensure, if applicable.
- Copy of current state licensure, registration or certification.
- Copy of BLS, ACLS, PALS and ATLS certificates (if applicable)
- An up-to-date resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- Personal interview with Committee on Admissions MAY be required in some cases. Phone interview and/or advisement may be substituted upon approval.
To be submitted directly to program upon admissions:
Copy of current personal health care / medical insurance policy or original coverage letter. All students must provide for their own medical care. The program assumes no responsibility for injury or illness while enrolled in the program. Each student is required to carry adequate personal medical and hospitalization insurance. Students may avail themselves of the hospitalization insurance plan obtainable through the university if qualified.
Transfer Credit
A maximum of 6 hours may be transferred from other graduate level training programs. NSU will transfer a maximum of 6 semester credits toward the MHSc degree. Transfer credits are evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Students are notified of transfer status after all official transcripts from previous colleges and universities are evaluated. A syllabus for each course you want to be evaluated for transfer credit must be provided to the Program Director after Acceptance to the MHSc Program.
The M.H.Sc. Program will admit health care professionals with broad undergraduate and professional education, health care work history, and life experiences who have demonstrated capacity to pursue a rigorous course of master's study and increasingly responsible positions in health care.
Prospective M.H.Sc. students are selected by considering the application content, academic record, and prior health care experience. A personal interview may be required. Prior to matriculation into the program, applicants must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
Prior health care or health care administrative/management experience is required. The M.H.Sc. is a post-professional degree designed for health practitioners, clinicians, and health care administrators from a wide variety of disciplines. The commonality exhibited by our students is the practice of a recognized health occupation that requires registration, certification, and/or licensure, or the possession of managerial experience in healthcare administration.
All applicants must show evidence of computer skills though coursework or self study skills prior to the end of the first term. Students may obtain instruction through the NSU Computer Laboratory or other training facilities.
The university reserves the right to modify any requirement on an individual basis as deemed necessary by the dean of the College of Health Care Sciences.
- Generalist Curriculum,
- Sports Medicine Concentration,
- Higher Education Concentration,
- Health Care Administration and Leadership Concentration,
- Health Law Concentration,
- Health Care Informatics Concentration, Health Care Risk Management Concentration
All of the following courses descriptions may be found by visiting our Catalog .
Generalist Curriculum
Completing the generalist curriculum requires 37 credits as detailed below.
Core Courses
MHS 5003: Current Trends and Issues in Health Care | 3 |
MHS 5203: Writing for Allied Health Professionals | 3 |
MHS 5501: Epidemiology and Biostatistics | 3 |
MHS 5510: Research Methods | 3 |
MHS 5521: Ethical Issues in Healthcare | 3 |
MHS 5530: Principles of Management in Healthcare | 3 |
Practical Coursework
MHS 5309: U.S Health Policy | 5 |
MHS 5207: Practicum | 5 |
9 semester hours or 3 courses required.
Note: Any course that is not a core course in any of the concentrations (except the Health Law concentration) may be utilized as an elective to meet the elective requirement. If you need assistance in determining which courses can be used as electives or would best suit your learning goals, please contact your academic adviser.
Sports Medicine Concentration
Sports medicine is a broad body of knowledge in health care which addresses the needs of individuals in all age groups who exercise, an essential component of health. Sports medicine deals with the medical supervision of recreational and competitive athletes and all others who exercise for prevention and treatment of disease and injury.
The Master of Health Science (M.H.Sc.) Concentration in Sports Medicine is designed to provide individuals the theoretical, clinical and administrative training necessary to provide career mobility and professional enhancement. The Sports Medicine didactic curriculum provides education in a variety of clinical and non-clinical areas. The program will also assist the student in preparation for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) Exam. The classes will focus on the various component of the sports industry, ranging from specific classes discussing the physical demands and bio-mechanics of each sport, the fundamentals of training principles and coaching techniques to the nutritional and psychological implications.
The internship and practicum components of the program will be tailored to the individual interest and goal of the graduate student. Under faculty guidance, students will demonstrate increased understanding in their chosen area of study. Students enrolled in this segment of the program already must have graduated from their entry-level professional training. The clinical component will be conducted in medical clinics, rehabilitation centers, or within organized sports such as high school, college or the professional level.
The M.H.Sc. - Concentration in Sports Medicine in the College of Health Care Sciences requires a minimum of 37 credit hours of course work. This 37 credit, masters degree program is designed for the practicing amateur or professional coach, assistant coach, athletic director, athletic trainer or other allied health professional who deals with athletes.
Obtain Course Credit
Ask the Program Director about course credit for CSCS certifications already obtained
Core Courses
15 semester hours required (All courses required).
MHS 5003: Current Trends and Issues in Health Care | 3 |
MHS 5203: Writing for Allied Health Professionals | 3 |
MHS 5501: Epidemiology and Biostatistics | 3 |
MHS 5510: Research Methods | 3 |
MHS 5521: Ethical Issues in Healthcare | 3 |
Practical Coursework
10 semester hours
MHS 5309: U.S Health Policy | 5 |
MHS 5207: Practicum | 5 |
Sports Medicine Courses
12 semester hours
MHS 5215: Sports Nutrition | 3 |
MHS 5801: Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology | 3 |
MHS 5802: Sports Injury and Rehabilitation Principles | 3 |
MHS 5810: CSCS Preparation | 3 |
Higher Education Concentration
This concentration is designed for those allied health professionals seeking opportunities in higher education teaching. The study of educational practical theory related to higher education is an important aspect of professional development for the master prepared allied health professional. M.H.Sc. distance students will have the option of completing electives or a concentration in Health Science Higher Education.
This opportunity will allow the student to begin to explore education as a career choice. For many these core skills are vital in health care today. Completing this concentration requires 37 credits as detailed below.
Note: All courses are delivered and organized as distance learning
Core Courses
15 credits total.
MHS 5003: Current Trends and Issues in Health Care (03 credits) | 3 |
MHS 5203: Writing for Allied Health Professionals (03 credits) | 3 |
MHS 5501: Epidemiology and Biostatistics | 3 |
MHS 5510: Research Methods | 3 |
MHS 5521: Ethical Issues in Healthcare | 3 |
Required Practical Courses
10 credits total.
MHS 5309: United States Health Care Policy (05 credits) | 5 |
MHS 5207: Practicum | 5 |
Higher Education Courses
12 credits total.
MHS 5542: Healthcare Education | 3 |
MHS 5543: Educational Theories and Psychology | 3 |
MHS 5544: Curriculum and Instruction in Healthcare Education | 3 |
MHS 5545: Assessment and Evaluation in Healthcare Education | 3 |
Concentration for Recognition
In order to gain recognition in the "Higher Education" concentration of the M.H.Sc. program, the student must complete all four courses for 12 total hours. Those completing the concentration will be recognized as such with appropriate credentials. Students may take individual courses for elective or toward completion of the clinical core for those not involved with clinical activities.
If you have any questions regarding the concentration in Higher Education please contact the program or your academic advisor.
Health Care Administration and Leadership Concentration
The M.H.Sc. degree with a concentration in Health Care Administration is designed to provide clinical and administrative health professionals with the theoretical and practical training necessary to enhance career mobility and professional advancement. The new concentration will offer courses in leadership and management, finance, ethics, risk management, research, and other essential areas of health care administration. While there are specific routes for administrators to follow into higher leadership roles, this type of educational experience is often lacking for the clinician who wishes to assume more leadership responsibility within their medical organization. Current research evidence shows that there is a need for not just formal administrative leadership, but also a need to develop integrated leadership processes throughout healthcare delivery systems.
A program that provides potential leaders in health care with the necessary skills, abilities, and competencies to realize their goals is needed. Leadership opportunities abound in a broad array of environments through the full spectrum of health care from education, the implementation of policy and technology as well as the delivery of health care. The M.H.Sc. program at Nova Southeastern University has the resources and expert faculty to provide students with a meaningful educational experience in Administration in Health Care.
Completing this concentration requires 31 credits as detailed below.
Note: All courses are delivered and organized as distance learning
Required Practical Components
10 credits total.
MHS 5309: U.S. Health Policy | 5 |
MHS 5207: Practicum | 5 |
Health Care Administration and Leadership Courses
21 credits total.
MMIS 623: Information Privacy and Ethics | 3 |
MHS 5530: Principles of Management in Healthcare | 3 |
MHS 5535: Issues in Health Care Leadership | 3 |
MHS 5537: Health Care Leadership Quality Assurance/Risk Management | 3 |
MHS 5538 Patient Safety Compliance in Health Care | 3 |
MHS 5510: Research Methods | 3 |
MHS 5546: Health Care Finance | 3 |
Health Care Informatics
This credit concentration is offered through a partnership with our NSU College of Osteopathic Medicine Health Informatics program. Health informatics uses data, information, and knowledge for clinical care, scientific inquiry, decision-making, and problem-solving to improve health, safety, and effectiveness of those working and being cared for within the system of health care delivery.
Completing this concentration requires 32 credits as detailed below.
All MHS courses are delivered and organized as distance learning.
Core Courses
15 credits total.
MHS 5510: Research Methods | 3 |
MHS 5546: Healthcare Finance | 3 |
MHS 5530: Principles of Management in Healthcare | 3 |
MHS 5535: Issues in Healthcare Leadership | 3 |
MHS 5538: Patient Safety Compliance in Healthcare | 3 |
Required Practical Components
5 credits total.
MHS 5207: Practicum | 5 |
Informatics Courses
12 credits total.
MI 5100 - Survey of Medical Informatics | 3 |
MI 5130 - Information Security in Health Care | 3 |
MI 5153 – Telecommunications and Computer Networking in Health Care | 3 |
MI 6413- Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt for Health Care | 3 |
Health Law Concentration
This concentration is offered through a partnership with our NSU Shepard Broad Law School. It is designed for allied health professionals who want to be introduced to the legal aspect of healthcare. For many, this knowledge is vital in today's health care environment.
All MHS courses are delivered and organized as distance learning.
Core Courses
15 credits total.
MHS 5003: Current Trends and Issues in Health Care | 3 |
MHS 5203: Writing for Allied Health Professionals | 3 |
MHS 5501: Epidemiology and Biostatistics | 3 |
MHS 5510: Research Methods | 3 |
MHS 5530: Principles of Management in Healthcare | 3 |
Required Practical Components
10 credits total.
MHS 5309: U.S. Health Policy | 5 |
MHS 5207: Practicum | 5 |
Health Law Courses
18 credits total.
MLAW 1020: Legal Research Methods and Reasoning | 3 |
MHL 1045: Law of Patients' Rights and Health Care Ethics | 2 |
MLAW 1036: Legal Foundations | 3 |
MHL 1090: Law of Accreditation and Licensing | 2 |
MHL 2021: Pharmaceutical Law | 2 |
MHL 2030: Law of Risk Management | 2 |
MLAW 1035: Professional Communication | 2 |
MHL Elective A 2 credit elective from the course listing available to Master of Health Science students doing the Health Law Concentration will be coordinated between the student and the Shepard Broad Law College to complete the 18 required concentration credits. | 2 |
Course Schedule and Tuition Rates
**Please note that students in this track fall under the following course schedule. Students varying from that schedule may run into financial aid award difficulties and will fall out of sequence sequence for the health law courses, affecting timeframe for completion.
Students in this track should consider themselves in a locked-step schedule. In order to be eligible for financial aid, a student must be enrolled for a minimum of 3 credits per term. Start date is each July, tuition may be found by visiting our Tuition and Fees page.
Summer | Summer (Term 1) MHL 1045 Patients’ Rights and Health Care Ethics (2 credits) |
| Fall (Term 2) MLAW 1036 Legal Foundations (3 credits) |
Winter MHS 5510: Research Methods | Winter (Term 3) MHL 2030 Law of Risk Management (2 credits) |
| Spring (Term 4) MHL 1090 Law of Accreditation and Licensing (2 credits) |
Summer MHS 5530: Principles and Practices of Management in Healthcare (03 credits) | Summer (Term 5) MHL Elective |
| Fall No MHL course |
Winter MHS 5207: Practicum (5 credits) | Winter No MHL course |
Spring No MHS course (continuation of practicum) | Spring No MHL course |
Total credits for the Master of Health Science Degree with a Concentration in Health Law: 43
Health Care Risk Management Concentration
This concentration is designed for health care professionals seeking to enter or be promoted in the rapidly expanding field of health care risk management, compliance and patient safety. The courses in this concentration will prepare graduates with the skills and background necessary to reduce medical errors, control adverse events, analyze health informatics data, and implement a quality improvement and patient safety initiative. The curriculum of the concentration is designed to assist graduates with the academic preparation for the following certifications:
- Certified Professional in Health Care Risk Management - (CPHRM)
- Certified Professional in Patient Safety - (CPPS)
- Certified in Health Care Compliance - (CHC)
Completing this concentration requires 37 credits as detailed below.
*** Disclaimer: there are other requirements for the above certifications and completion of the concentration courses and degree requirements is not a guarantee of certification.
Note: All courses are delivered and organized as distance learning.
Core Courses
12 credits total.
MHS 5003: Current Trends and Issues in Health Care | 3 |
MHS 5203: Writing for Allied Health Professionals | 3 |
MHS 5501: Epidemiology and Biostatistics | 3 |
MHS 5521: Ethical Issues in Healthcare | 3 |
Concentration Courses
15 credits total.
MHS 5530 Principles of Management in Healthcare | 3 |
MHS 5537 Health Care Leadership Quality Assurance/Risk Management | 3 |
MHS 5538 Patient Safety Compliance in Health Care | 3 |
MHS 5539 Health Care and Regulatory Compliance | 3 |
MHS 5540 Enterprise Risk Management | 3 |
Practical Courses
10 credits total.
MHS 5207: Practicum | 5 |
MHS 5309: U.S. Health Care Policy | 5 |
Total of 37 credits
Concentration for Recognition
In order to gain recognition in the " Health Care Risk Management, Patient Safety and Compliance " concentration of the MHSc program, the student must complete all five courses for 15 total hours. Those completing the concentration will be recognized as such with appropriate credentials. If you have any questions of how this may apply to your MHSc completion, contact the program or your academic advisor for assistance.
If you have any questions regarding the concentration in Health Care Risk Management please contact the program or your academic advisor.
A maximum of 6 hours may be transferred from other graduate level training programs. NSU will transfer a maximum of 6 semester credits toward the MHSc degree. Transfer credits are evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Students are notified of transfer status after all official transcripts from previous colleges and universities are evaluated. A syllabus for each course you want to be evaluated for transfer credit must be provided to the Program Director after Acceptance to the MHSc Program.
The M.HSc. program offers two accelerated dual-degree options for designed for accomplished, motivated healthcare practitioners educated at the bachelor's level who desire a clinically-applicable, post-professional interdisciplinary doctoral degree.
The NSU Masters of Health Science partners with Miami Dade College PA to offer a 30 credit track to a masters degree. As the demand for master level health care providers, educators, and administrators continues to grow, the M.H.Sc. curriculum will provide you with a learner-centered educational experience that emphasizes critical-thinking, decision making, leadership, and the concept of the scholar-practitioner and lifelong learning.
Please see below for details regarding admissions and curriculum.
Admission Requirements:
All students applying to the NSU M.H.Sc. Program must do all the following by March 1.
- Complete an NSU M.H.Sc. Program application form with prevalent application fee: https://apply.nova.edu/
IMPORTANT NOTE: During the application process, when asked about a concentration, please choose No Concentration in the drop down menu.
- Provide evidence of acceptance into the Miami-Dade College Physician Assistant Program
IMPORTANT NOTE: MDC will provide proof of acceptance.
- Provide evidence of a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
- Provide official college, certificate and/or diploma-based transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions attended, sent directly from the institutions to NSU
- Send transcripts and all required documents to:
Nova Southeastern University
Enrollment Processing Services (EPS)
3301 College Avenue
P.O. Box 299000
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33329-9905
All coursework from international institution(s):
Applicant is responsible for contacting one of the evaluation services listed below. The evaluation must be course by course including a cumulative GPA The official evaluation must be sent directly from the evaluation service to the NSU EPS address shown above for all documents:
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(855) 400-6042
World Education Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 745
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113-0745
(855) 665-1722
For questions about the Master of Health Science program at NSU, please contact the following individuals:
MHS Curriculum (for Miami-Dade College Physician Assistant students only)
Completing the curriculum requires 30 credits as detailed below.
Note: In order to graduate with the MHSc degree, students must first successfully complete the Bachelor's degree portion of the Physician Assistant program (from Miami-Dade College.)
All of the following courses descriptions may be found by visiting our Catalog.
course name | semester hours |
MHS 5203: Writing for Allied Health Professionals (03 credits) | 3 |
MHS 5501: Epidemiology and Biostatistics (03 credits) | 3 |
MHS 5510: Research Methods (03 credits) | 3 |
MHS 5003: Current Trends and Issues in Health Care (03 credits) | 3 |
MHS 5026: Human Trafficking for Health Care Professionals (03 credits) | 3 |
MHS 5309: United States Health Care Policy (5 credits) | 5 |
MHS 5209: Practicum I (03 credits) | 3 |
MHS 5210: Practicum II (02 credits) | 2 |
MHS 8999: Prior Learning Credit (05 credits) | 5 |
The program is designed to be completed in an online format.
You’ll need an internet connection to access course materials and the online student center. Each professor determines the need for a textbook and internet readings. You will be responsible for purchasing the required text(s) for each course.
The online courses work very much like a classroom and you will be required to interact with the professor and the other students in your virtual classroom, as well as adhere to assignment due dates. There is an online student center where you can post messages, questions, and have chats with classmates. You will also find the schedule, course plans, links, library resources, and much more.
For financial aid purposes full time is 4 or more credits per term. How much time you spend will be based on several factors to include your study style, time management, the professor’s methods, and your study area.